SNH48 TeamSII Chen Si on quiz show 'Yizhan Daodi' (2/2) broadcasted on Dec 12, 2012. At that time there was no team in SNH48 yet. SNH48 participate in this show...
SNH48 TeamSII Chen Si on quiz show 'Yizhan Daodi' (1/2) broadcasted on Dec 12, 2012. At that time there was no team in SNH48 yet. SNH48 participate in this show...
SNH48 Chen Si appears on promotion video of machining center of Kitamura Ryosho Shanghai. This video itself seems to be made in 2013 spring. I don't know why re...
参演成员:张昕、谢蕾蕾、罗寒月、张琼予、刘力菲、唐莉佳、郑丹妮、左婧媛、龙亦瑞、农燕萍、杨媛媛、方琪。 (表定12人) SNH48 Group YOUTUBE Official Channel ~! SNH48 Group 是全球华语区规模最大的偶像团体,是唯一基于互联网思维和参与感精神、O2O构架和可面对面偶像”运营...